The question of whether an Angular developer is a web developer or not has been a subject of debate for many years. It is a complex question that does not have a simple answer. Angular is a popular open-source JavaScript framework which was created by Google to simplify the development of web applications. It is used to create interactive and dynamic websites, and it can be used in conjunction with other technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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To answer the question of whether an Angular developer is a web developer, it is important to understand what a web developer actually does. Generally speaking, web developers are responsible for creating, maintaining, and updating websites and web applications. This includes designing the user interface (UI) of the website or application, writing code to make the website functional, testing the application or website for functionality, troubleshooting any issues that arise, and deploying the application or website on servers.

Web developers may use different frameworks and languages when developing websites and applications. As mentioned earlier, Angular is one such framework. An Angular developer is someone who specializes in developing websites and applications using the Angular framework. This means they possess skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript as well as in-depth knowledge about how the Angular framework works. They are responsible for constructing efficient and user-friendly sites and applications using the Angular framework.

Most importantly, an Angular developer should be familiar with the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture which is employed to structure web applications that are created using the Angular framework. MVC divides data from how it is presented to users by breaking down an application into three components: model (data), view (presentation layer), and controller (business logic). Knowing how to effectively utilize this architecture will help developers create effective web applications using the Angular framework.

Therefore while an Angular developer may not necessarily be considered a full-fledged web developer since they specialize in one specific type of programming language and framework, they do possess many of the same abilities required to develop websites and applications like any other web developer would. They just possess those skills specifically related to developing websites with the Angular framework instead of other frameworks such as React or VueJS.

In conclusion, it can be said that an Angular developer can indeed be considered a web developer since they possess many of the same skills necessary for developing websites but specialize specifically in working with the Angular framework instead of other frameworks or languages. Their main focus may be on developing interactive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MVC architecture but they still possess all of the necessary skills required to create effective websites like any other web developer would.