The question of whether Vue uses HTML and CSS is one that many developers have been asking lately. The answer is yes; Vue does indeed use HTML and CSS. In order to understand why, it’s important to first understand what Vue is and how it works.

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Vue is a progressive Javascript framework that enables developers to create user interfaces (UIs) and single-page applications (SPAs). It was created by Evan You in 2014 and has since become one of the most popular frameworks in the world, with over 20 million downloads as of 2020.

At its core, Vue consists of three main parts: the view layer, the component layer, and the data layer. The view layer is where the HTML markup is written and rendered to the user interface. The component layer consists of reusable components that can be used throughout a project. Finally, the data layer contains all the data needed by components to render correctly.

Vue works by binding each component’s data layer to its corresponding view layer using a special syntax called “directives”. This allows developers to write code once and reuse it multiple times without having to copy and paste it over again. This makes development much more efficient as it reduces repetition and makes maintenance easier.

Yes, Vue does use HTML and CSS. Although Vue has its own syntax for creating views (called “templates”), all views are ultimately written in HTML and styled with CSS. Templates provide a convenient way to structure design elements like components or containers, but they are still ultimately rendered into HTML and styled with CSS when they are displayed in a browser.

In conclusion, yes, Vue does use HTML and CSS — both for creating views as well as styling them appropriately. Although templates provide a convenient way to structure elements, they are still ultimately rendered into HTML and styled with CSS when they are displayed in a browser. Understanding how templates work within Vue can help ensure efficient development practices while also providing powerful features like reusability across projects — making it an invaluable tool for any developer looking to create complex UIs quickly and easily.